Sunday, May 11, 2008

Treatment of Mold Allergies

Molds and fungi are very resilient and can linger even in the most inhospitable environments. Spring to late fall is generally considered "allergy season" since this is when pollen becomes airborne. Mold spores are much smaller than pollen, however, and pervasive in all seasons Whether they are found indoors or outdoors, mold typically grows in moist areas and releases its spores to the air at any time. These spores are tiny enough to enter the smallest airways of the respiratory tract, where they wreak havoc with a person's immuno-response system. Itchy, watery eyes, continuous sneezing, wheeze and breathlessness, all are symptoms of a mold allergy.

Treatment options include:

1. Over the Counter Medications
2. Bronchodilators
3. Corticosteroids
4. Immuno-therapy (allergy shots)

. Anti-fungals

Determining the appropriate treatment for mold allergy begins by obtaining a full diagnosis from a doctor, dermatologist or allergist.

Read the rest of the article here.

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