Over the last decade many developments have been made in the world of airway clearance devices that make expelling the mucus much easier. Although some patients do still prefer the clapping methods to which they have grown accustomed, newcomers to the disease have many options for airway clearance.
Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilator (IPV)
This device, available in some hospitals and often called the "Percussion Air" stimulates the airways by directing several bursts of air into the lungs at a predetermined rate. A pneumatic flow interuptor sends a pulsing flow of air at a rate of 100-300 blasts or "cycles" per minute. The device is attached to a special mouthpiece and nebulizer cup so that the patient can benefit from medication simultaneously with the percussion treatment. Due to the high frequencies at which the air pulses, some patients have difficultly tolerating such a method. However, great benefits exist for those who have good posture and have been properly instructed in the technique of using and IPV.
The Flutter(r) Mucous Clearance Device
The Flutter is a small, handheld device that creates positive expiratory pressure (PEP) in order to stimulate the lungs to vibrate or "flutter" enough to dislodge the sticky mucous. The device itself consists of a weighted metal ball resting in a cone that sits atop a diaphragm through which air can flow. When the patient exhales, the cone and ball move around creating the "fluttering" motion that results in PEP. This causes pressure in the airways, keeping them open longer than would happen just through simple tidal breathing. The cap on the end of the device can be twisted to different settings to make the pressure lesser or greater depending on the patient's ability.The range of benefit of the Flutter depends largely on the patient's ability to exhale against the device. Longer, sustained breaths and the use of a technique called "huff coughing" are the best ways to benefit from using the Flutter.
Acapella (tm)

Similar to the Flutter, the Acapella employs the use of positive expiratory pressure. This device is considerably larger than the Flutter, but has a greater range of resistance than can be "dialed in" on one end. One advantage of the Acapella is that the t-piece of a nebulizer can be attached to it, allowing the patient to inhale medication while also engaging in airway clearance. The only drawback is that many home nebulizer-compressor systems do not deliver a high flow rate through the nebulizer cup. This results in wasted medication and decreased benefit for the user. In the hospital setting, however, the air flow can be adjusted to a rate that is high enough to push the medication through the device and reach the mouthpiece, ultimately benefiting the patient. Most often, the Acapella is used independently of nebulizer treatment.
The most favored and beneficial airway clearance device used by CF patients is the Vest. Different models are available from different companies, and determining which one to use is left to personal preference. The vest works by using a method called high frequency chest compression. The Vest is inflatable, and is connected to a compressor by two air hoses. Once switched on, the

Additional Resources:
American Thoracic Society List of Airway Clearance Devices (includes Insurance and Cost Information for Acquiring Them)
How To Huff Cough Effectively
Respirtech inCourage vest
The Flutter Valve (From Axcan Pharma)
Hill-Rom Vest
Acapella PEP Therapy
Percussionaire Company
1 comment:
I recently purchased a device from Respirtech for my 10 year old son with CF. I have been EXTREMElY disatified with the product and people I have spoken with at the company when I have called in. I will be in a position within the next year to get another device for my son. I would like some feedback from others whom have dealt with the other two companies as I should have done more research the first time....Thank you for your response. I do not want to hear from any that have been using the incourage system....it is nothing but incouraging!!! Thank you. CF mom
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